Saturday, 11 February 2017

A little bit of the here and now

A little bit of the here and now

Sunday morning, I knew this was going to be a colourful week. I am the type of person who needs someone to blame as a coping mechanism if something goes wrong. It can never just be my fault at the time, it doesn't work that way. So this day it was my mother's fault. The clock in her kitchen was slow, she should have changed the battery, it is her fault I missed my flight back to London.
I ran into the airport with Jesse going at Lewis Hamilton speed in his buggy to be told the gate had closed five minutes ago. It depends what day you get me on, I may have argued with the lady that couldn't do anything about it, I may have cried but today I just said OK that's fine. That's probably why the lady seemed to feel bad for me, looked at Jesse, then at my protruding bump and gave me a sympathetic look. Nope that didn't get me on the flight, it just made me feel like raggedy Ann when I looked down to where she had been looking and seen I had a big dirty tyre mark across my bump while of course wearing white. I'm sure she was wondering how I managed to get run over by a pushchair but it must have happened in my fight to pull it out of the car boot in the rush to catch the flight. 
Anyway 100 Euros later we were booked on the evening flight to another airport that would bring my husband an extra 40 minutes drive to collect me right bang on the boys bedtime, cranky household all round this evening me thinks.. AND ITS ALL MY MOTHER'S FAULT!!

Monday went smoothly, got the kids to bed and just got comfy on the couch when Jesse started to cry, I lifted him out of his cot to be met with projectile vomit all down my front. He was hot and bothered and just not well bless him, he had caught the bug. I took him downstairs to calm him down and change his clothes when he vomited on me again, and again so we went back upstairs and I put him into my bed only for him to vomit again. It was going to be a long night. 
Five days later he has drank very little, eaten nothing and is now basically pissing out of his ass. He has been over the top clingy but you don't mind, your baby is sick, you just want to make him feel better.. for the first few days anyway. Now I'm losing my mind, he will not let me out of his sight and I'm just like, come on man this is getting old now, I'm pulling my hair out. 

Thank goodness Riley hasn't caught it from him, Everyday I'm waiting for him to throw up everywhere and yes on Wednesday morning he tells me he is really really sick and needs to see the doctor, when I ask him where the pain is, he tells me it is in his cheek so I think we're good on the bug front. Yesterday I was at work, he told Dave he was really sick again but it turns out he was just hungry. So apart from the fact he is going to be a major hypercondriac, he has so far escaped the dreaded bug.

On the plus and productive side of my week, I made a treacle cake for the first time which was a hit. Riley started to use the potty to take a dump yesterday so this is means to celebrate, no more secret shits under the table in his pants. And best of all, I became an Aunty again to a beautiful little girl, Daisy. 

Now it's Saturday night, I've managed to write this blog, Bridesmaids is on TV and I have a tub of Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie staring at me so I bid you a good night whatever it is you're doing after this long week with the kiddies.